Imagine a world where only few people existed, it will be total boredom. When we realise that we are made for each other, we will tend to value one another. When we go for celebrations, the beauty is evident in the huge number of people that will rejoice with us in such events. Our view of friendship should not be limited to people we have known for a long period of time.
During Jesus’ ministry on earth, He chose twelve among His many disciples with him, he wanted to nurture proper relationship with them for they will transmit the gospel after he has ascended into Heaven. However, among the twelve, Jesus had an inner circle which he normally disclosed important revelations. During the transfiguration, He took only Peter, James and John. When He was about to face his trial and be sentenced to death, He took only Peter, James and John among the twelve to the garden with him.
We are called to be ‘John’ to one another, not only staying together when the Journey is smooth but even when there are turmoils and storms on the way.
Lastly, John the beloved was so close to Jesus that he lay on Jesus´side during his sermon and he followed Jesus to the point of crucifixion and Jesus handed his mother to him saying: “behold your mother” (cf. Jn. 19:27).
Peter’s denial of Jesus is a more reason why we should not put our trust in man. Imagine Peter as the leader of the apostles, who even assured Jesus that he will never leave him but lost his courage before a little slave girl. We need God’s grace to stand for each other since no man is an island of his own. We need to put our trust in God who never fails. Abraham had a deep relationship with God that he even went ahead to sacrifice his only son to Him, because he had great faith in Him. Let us draw strength from God who will give us every grace we need to live rightly with our neighbours and family.
Have a great day.Happy Eid al-Fitr.