ENEMIES- Agents for growth.

Our enemies surprisingly are those who help us to achieve our dreams and goals better. Look at Joseph, when he had a dream of how people bowed to him, he told his family about it and his brothers were jealous of him, they hated him so much. To worsen the case, their father Jacob showed much interest in Joseph than the other siblings and the siblings made a plan to kill him when he was sent by his father on an errand. Most of us know the story of Joseph and how he was sold as a slave and later became the second in command in Egypt.

This is a proof that God writes on crooked lines. It was not easy for Joseph either, this was a great betrayal from his own family which caused him great sorrows, he did not lose sight of who he was, he was a child of God and worked so hard wherever he found himself, even in the prison. We can learn a lot from Joseph, when a great famine came upon the whole land, his brothers came to buy food in Egypt, Joseph remembered his brothers and the injury they caused him but he was not willing to retaliate, Joseph made excuse for their faults saying God sent him ahead of them to save life (cf. Gen. 45:5).

 Joseph forgave them every pain they caused him, this should teach us a deep lesson that we should not pay evil with evil. When our enemies are doing all sort of things to bring us down, we should not lose focus of the dreams we have, knowing fully well that in due season, God will bring it to fulfillment.

It is not easy, and this calls for patience; even when Joseph helped the King’s cup-bearer interpret his dreams, he told him to remember him before the King but he forgot about him, Joseph endured all these hurts.

Our foes make us come out stronger and better. The perspective we should develop about our foes should be one that will help to motivate us.

Enjoy your day


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