Do you love selfies? I know our cameras have to be steady and focused to get the best right?

Our society today is filled with lot of distractions.
It takes a disciplined mind to be focused. 
Leaving our homes, the bustle of the traffic is not pleasant, together with the daily hustles of life.
This can make one lose focus on what he/she has to achieve.

It is then necessary to seek and create an atmosphere of solitude for ourselves to think and plan our lives.

Have you seen a driver who just plunges his car into the road without the necessary checks on the vehicle, your guess is good as mine.
Such a driver may be in a hurry to reach his destination and achieve his financial target, however he may be distracted by unnecessary arguments with others, then what happens, a flat tyre occurs at the middle of nowhere, time is now spent to put the car to normalcy, this could take a huge chunk of time that could have been avoided if the necessary plans and decisions were taken taken correctly.

Likewise, we need to be focused on our lives, your life and only yours.
We are created distinctly, and each has his own mission, don't be distracted by theirs, rather take daily challenge to improve yourself .

Remember, to be quiet does not mean that you will lose touch with reality, come on! we need each other, we have to show our concern for others, communication should be open and truthful. 

There is a tendency to pull others down for ourselves to feel better, that is a spurious theory, when we help to uplift others we climb heights we may never dream of getting to. So please, be happy for others, celebrate them too.

God loves us all , don't buy the idea that some people were blessed more than you. Well, our ways are not His ways, and that is why we need His Spirit to make us understand Him and carry out our tasks joyfully.

Enyoy your day.

Finally, make the best of your spare moments, the corona virus pandemic has given us bouts of time to rethink our mode of life, let us utilize it effectively. Don't be fearful, exercise the necessary safely guidelines and be focused on your goals.

I believe in your dreams, remember it is a beautiful world and we have to bring out the best of life.


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