For any man who achieved great feats, it was made possible by someone or more who encouraged him or her to continue when the thoughts of giving up came.
The fact is this, you have to have a companion who speaks words of hope to you.
You have to read the Bible to inspire you and make you effective in any task you chose to embark on.
Have you tried walking with a group of friends? You will discover that you can walk a long distance without feeling the stress, but if you are alone you may get tired early enough.
Though, we may read this and and our focus will be shifting to others, without knowing that we ought to be motivators to ourselves and to others.
If someone comes to you, one gift you can offer is a listening ear, another are words of encouragement and advice, and good enough they are all free.
Desist from giving the wrong advice, such as revengeful actions and making decisions surrounded with pride.
That is why we have to get the right motivation.
Don't be depressed you made a mistake, learn the lessons and move on.
Your best is on the way.