LAUGHTER... a good medicine

Have you seen a man who gets  angry a lot? Flee from him.

Anger is one letter short of Danger.
Don't give someone the right to make you angry.

When you are angry you can make foolish statements and wrong decisions.

You have to work hard  to make sure no one steals your joy and enthusiasm.

You may ask: Peter how do I deal with annoying people that get on my nerves?

I will insist that you still make sure you don't give in to anger.

Are you in a job that everyday you complain and get bitter over everything? It is time to  change your attitude.

The best vitamin you need in your daily task is Vitamin E (Enthusiasm).

Take time to create an environment of peace and joy within and without.

Laugh off the daily stress, when you make mistakes, don't get bitter, Laugh it off.

Depression has led many to commit suicide, that should not be your case.

I admit that life can be tough at times, but getting bitter about it won't change the situation either.

You have to make the choice to laugh and be happy.

Keep living and achieving your goals.
Forgive your offenders. Let go and let God.
 Avoid unnecessary arguments, Sometimes you have to accept defeat for the love of peace.
Don't be bossy, appreciate people and compliment them.

Yes you have to Laugh, Laugh and Laugh😁😁😁.



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