Good or Bad Friday?
Why is it called a Good Friday?
A day Jesus died, was it to be called a sorrowful day or a good one?
The answer is simple! He died so that we may live.
We are in turn to respond to this great love by living our lives totally for him.
It is a careless statement to say: "It is my life, so I can do whatever I want". You were bought with a price, the precious blood of Christ.
We can respond to this love by giving out our life in service of others.
It is pitiable that most leaders don't understand while they are called civil servants likewise pastors who are called shepherds.
We are in such positions for the betterment of the lives of people and not to enrich ourselves or personal aggrandizement.
The cross is not a symbol of shame, it is our victory, our gain and our glory.
From a tree, man was deceived and fell from his original state when he ate the forbidden fruit, NOW on a Tree man is raised to higher state, to reign with Christ, on that tree is Jesus, the food for eternal life.
Happy Good Friday.