Children have great potentials in them. We celebrate them today in Nigeria. Everyone has a good affinity for children due to their innocent nature.

We need to treat them well and nurture them to greatness. My heart goes out to all the children who lost their lives on account of the civil war in Nigeria. The pictures of them who were starved of good nutrients depict the true picture of a kwashiorkor patient.


What of children that are abused by people, they are used as slaves to hawk in the streets instead of going to school, and some are nursing injuries and psychological pain because of a rapist action while they were young.


We live in a society people crave for  pleasure and then ingest pills to kill a child we call 'thing', have we lost our minds, don't we know that children are gifts from God and we have no rights to kill the m no matter the stage of development it exists. We can go on and defend our actions, but the truth is spelt out clear. Abortion is a crime of Murder. Every child deserves the right to live.


Every child should be treasured and cherished, a mother is not just a woman who gives birth to children, remember even animals reproduce, but she is because of the effort and time deployed in training up the child, likewise the father. This should not be limited to one’s biological children extended to kids in the neighbourhood.


I am privileged to be raised by both parents, in our modern society, some of our culture have been eroded, with the rise of different ideologies and sometimes influence of science children are now seen as products that can be made or gotten at will, there is a rise of divorce rate, also some partners are not ready to for the responsibilities of training the kids give rise to single parents, all these contribute to the negative development of a child.


We can go on and explore the challenges the child faces in our world today, terrorism, poor education funding, poor health-care system and the likes.

It is time for a rethink, we need to retrace our steps and draw a better path for our children to follow, remember they are our future.


Let me modify the quote of Franklin D Roosevelt: “We cannot always build the future for our children, but we can build our children for the future.”


To all the children out there, we celebrate you! Greatness is in you all. We love  and cherish you.






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