Dear friends,
Hope you are fine?
Well, I just want you to know that the period we 
are now in our lives is a crucial moment.
Someone said that the richest place is the grave 
yard because in them you will find ideas, visions, goals and destiny that were never achieved. 

But I believe that you and I can prove this saying 
to be false if we begin now to develop ourselves for the 
glorious future ahead of us.
When you see a great man don't wish you were 
him or possess what he has or envy him. No! You should 
find out the steps he took to reach that height in life. 
Learn from his mistakes and pursue them persistently, I believe that God's grace will be sufficient to take you to an unimaginable height.
Dear youth, please which gifts has God blessed 
you with that you don't want to harness into something valuable that will benefit you, the society and the younger generation?

The world awaits your manifestation. 'In the 
same way your light must shine before people, so 
that they will see the good things you do and praise 
your father in heaven.' (Matt 5:16)
Dear, Jesus did not say your light may shine. No!. 
He said your light must shine.
It is hence mandatory or compulsory to show forth 
the light of God. Let us pass the level of 'God please 
forgive me, I committed abortion'. 'I can't stop having an affair'.
It is like a boy who intentionally repeats primary six and 
doesn't want to move ahead to secondary school maybe 
because the secondary school is a boarding house and he still wants to enjoy his father's house rather than stay without his parents. I know you may call this foolishness but unfortunately many youths that are church goers and call themselves christians are still not ready to overcome sin with the grace of God and enter into the level of developing their gifts and using their time, treasures and talents to enhance the kingdom of God. 

Don't you know that sin fascinates then
assassinates you? Christianity is not a burden. Bishop 
Fulton Sheen describes Christianity saying 'Christianity 
is a religion of joy'. Truly, it is joyful to be a Christian. 

You companionship with the Holy Spirit who directs 
your life in everything even at the point of choosing a life partner. 
My dear youth, it is God that gives a right help 
meet to every man. Don't allow anyone to deceive you 
because marriage is a great union which will help both partners to support each other to uplift bethe kingdom of God and bring Glory to his name.

-to be continued...


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