How time flies, the good news is that you are the pilot. I wrote this three years ago on my Facebook page and decided to post it on my blog.

"I picked out my Pharmacist's oath to ponder on its contents, just like the 10 commandments, there was 10 "I shall" in the oath."

The second 'I shall' is very delicate and demanding and it quotes: "I shall apply the full measure of my knowledge,  skills and abilities to improving the health and well being of all those I serve and place their needs above my personal interest and considerations"

You may understand better if you do night calls,  after  and vigorous day duty and your body calls  for rest, when the patient comes knocking your sleep should give way for immediate attention to the patient.

Today,3rd November, 2017 will be one year since I took the oath before many witnesses  and I thank God for the journey so far... I went to the Chapel to take it before God of whom I rely to fulfill the oath and it's demands.

I will prefer advises,prayers or sharing which part of the oath interest you rather than congratulations, because the journey to the top is zooming off to chart a worthy course in the best routes of this noble profession.

Good enough,on 3rd November  the Catholic Church remembers  Saint Martin de porres and surprisingly he was a Pharmacist who cared so much for the sick, we can learn from his good examples and he aids us to truly fulfil our careers.

Don't just pray alone to move up the ladder in your dreams but truly work and prepare yourself  for what each stage will demand from you.

If all pharmacist can truly fulfil the oath demands,together with the Doctor's that took the Hippocratic oath(when doctors go on strike and patients lives are lost I am pushed to ask if they took Hypocritic Oath instead of Hippocratic oath) and other medical professionals then strife will cease to exist in the healthcare system, because as the saying  goes:The Only Enemy we have is the Disease and not the professional.

Our personal  interests should be sacrificed for the good of the patients.

All the best.


Unknown said…
Good one Pharm.
May you be strengthened to live up to the demands of your profession in the spirit of love and service to humanity. Amen
Peter said…
Thank you dear. Amen

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