Do am Sharp Sharp...

"Abeg do quick", "do sharp sharp", are common phrases we hear in our parlance. 

Patience is a virtue we all need in our society, our world today is driven by speed, that is why we 5G is still created, we h ear of fast food and the likes.

However, in real relationships with people, we should not see them as machines. They make mistakes and are have flaws.
We need to be  considerate when dealing with people less we soil our relationships.

A farmer has a good description of this virtue, he goes about his normal business after he has cultivated and planted the seeds. He knows that  he has to be patient for him to harvest his crops.
He spends time removing the weeds and adding manure to enhance the growth. This he does without grumbling about not seeing quick results.

The recent crisis in the United States on the killing of a black American, George Floyd by a cop  has shown that justice can still prevail despite the past incidents of these heinous crimes.

We need to make sure that we ate on the right side of history, because nature will play out its full course.

Let us learn to relate patiently with people, try to understand that people have their own challenges. It is not an easy feat, but remember it is possible.

We believe that things will change dir the better if we come together to make things work.

Just like it takes time for a good food to be prepared, then just keep going on, knowing the best will come.



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