Recently I saw a post: "Banks are more interested in giving you loan, if you are wealthy, people will be more inclined to give you tasks if you have so many things doing, and a lady will be more interested in a guy if she sees other ladies are seeking his attention and vice versa, and it ended with Nature is more attracted to abundance", all of us were given a gift or talent by God, and we have a duty to put it to use, do you remember the parable of the talent in the Bible, the man who had few talents did not yield interests and it was taken away from him and given to the man yielded more interests.
Of course, we should know that things we don't use often actually become dusty and old and may become faulty.
So we need to evaluate ourselves to know those gifts deposited in us and utilize it effectively.
That gifts needs to be deployed for the good of humanity.
We have appreciate our gifts, and do not disregard it or compare it with others.
You are unique, likewise your gifts. Put it to use.
Those things you love doing, fan into flames the desires, we need to be consistent and I believe you will do great things.