Having a discerning mind is an invaluable gift everyone should pray for, it is funny how people take decisions without having a second thought. There is a popular saying: "Watch your thoughts, they become words, watch your words, they become actions, watch your actions they become your character, watch your character, they become your destiny." With this sequence of events, We can now understand the power of our thoughts,and why it is necessary to be guided before making decisions. Our minds needs to be trained and disciplined in making choices, the Holy Spirit grants this gift to God's children, you need to ask humbly for it. We may also need the help of good mentors, like a spiritual director, parent(s) and good friends to aid you before making certain decisions which is objective and devoid of emotional undertone. So it will reasonable to say: "Think about what you are thinking". Learn from others mistakes and become wiser, be open minded and ready to learn. ...