
Showing posts from May, 2020


Do you love selfies? I know our cameras have to be steady and focused to get the best right? Our society today is filled with lot of distractions. It takes a disciplined mind to be focused.  Leaving our homes, the bustle of the traffic is not pleasant, together with the daily hustles of life. This can make one lose focus on what he/she has to achieve.


Every man's result is probably due to the decisions he made. Life is a delicate one,and one has to be careful while making his or her choices. To make the right choice may not be easy,but if you take it ,you will find fulfilment therein. You have to be a man of convinced action, stop playing to the tune of the crowd. To stand out you have to make an outstanding decision. It could be a mild as choosing the best product to buy to something serious as choosing a life partner. There are certain times you should not make decision such as when you are in an angry mood. This could make you have regrets. Funny enough,when you are in joyous mood you need to be Careful of your decisions. Take time to discern and plan out your choices rather then being hasty. Above all,don't forget to keep in constant communication with God, for he knows the best for us. Decide to always act with a good intention. Don't make choices that is not right just to please people. You will be responsible for ...


No matter how many obstacles you have overcome people may not really care until you finally become successful. You have to learn to stay strong, nobody really owes you anything. Stop comparing yourself and your opportunities with others. Everyone has his own race to run, you have to be determined and focused on your goals and make adequate plans to achieve them. Don't try to win people's empathy, you got to face your battle squarely and win.


Love is good, some say love is blind.   It is also rational to be wise. It is apt to inform the youths to know the following about their health status before committing themselves to a life- long relationship in marriage. The first thing to know is the genotype. Genotype can be simply defined as the genetic constitution of an individual organism. The problem to avoid with genotype compatibility for intending couples is the sickle cell disease (a receive disorder)—a very serious medical condition with high prevalence rates in African south of the Sahara.


Children have great potentials in them. We celebrate them today in Nigeria. Everyone has a good affinity for children due to their innocent nature. We need to treat them well and nurture them to greatness. My heart goes out to all the children who lost their lives on account of the civil war in Nigeria. The pictures of them who were starved of good nutrients depict the true picture of a kwashiorkor patient.   What of children that are abused by people, they are used as slaves to hawk in the streets instead of going to school, and some are nursing injuries and psychological pain because of a rapist action while they were young.  

ENEMIES- Agents for growth.

Our enemies surprisingly are those who help us to achieve our dreams and goals better. Look at Joseph, when he had a dream of how people bowed to him, he told his family about it and his brothers were jealous of him, they hated him so much. To worsen the case, their father Jacob showed much interest in Joseph than the other siblings and the siblings made a plan to kill him when he was sent by his father on an errand. Most of us know the story of Joseph and how he was sold as a slave and later became the second in command in Egypt. This is a proof that God writes on crooked lines. It was not easy for Joseph either, this was a great betrayal from his own family which caused him great sorrows, he did not lose sight of who he was, he was a child of God and worked so hard wherever he found himself, even in the prison. We can learn a lot from Joseph, when a great famine came upon the whole land, his brothers came to buy food in Egypt, Joseph remembered his brothers and the injury they ca...


Imagine a world where only few people existed, it will be total boredom. When we realise that we are made for each other, we will tend to value one another. When we go for celebrations, the beauty is evident in the huge number of people that will rejoice with us in such events. Our view of friendship should not be limited to people we have known for a long period of time. During Jesus’ ministry on earth, He chose twelve among His many disciples with him, he wanted to nurture proper relationship with them for they will transmit the gospel after he has ascended into Heaven. However, among the twelve, Jesus had an inner circle which he normally disclosed important revelations. During the transfiguration, He took only Peter, James and John. When He was about to face his trial and be sentenced to death, He took only Peter, James and John among the twelve to the garden with him. We are called to be ‘John’ to one another, not only staying together when the Journey is smooth but even whe...

GOOD FRIENDS- capsules for growth.

They are associated with us and we share our ideas and opinions with them. The kinds of friends we keep influence our act ions and way of life, it is very important that we are selective. However, we should not get confused or get things mixed up, we are to be friendly with everyone we meet, we are to show love, care and concern and make sure people leave us better than they met us.   We should be careful and restrict those whom we will form strong relationships with, for the scriptures says, “evil communications corrupt good manners- cf. 1 Cor. 15:33.”   People who do not have great dreams may belittle yours when you attempt to share yours with them, they may not like you when you try to be different from them, that is why we should associate with men of good repute and integrity, people that are wise and have plans for a great future ahead of them.


Everyone desires something good, we aim for great feats and love to be celebrated. In our age, the platform of social media has brought us all together like a global village. This has left many with two identities, that on social media and the true identity, the one seen in the mirror. There is a propaganda of misrepresentation by people on social media to make people see us the way we design ourselves. This has led to lot of illusion, relationships built on falsehood and regrets.

FAMILY: The first school for children.

The Catholic Church describes the family as ecclesia domestica i.e. “ domestic church”. This is the first point of call for the child to learn as he grows up; what he sees and hears will determine a lot to how his life’s journey will go. It paves the path which directs the child. It is here that the basic lessons of life are taught and this fragile opportunity should not be toyed with or the responsibility misappropriated.


The vicissitudes of life are bound to occur in the life of every man, they are commonly called the ups and downs of life. One good example is the biblical Job who went through a lot of toils and sufferings that he even cursed the day he was born. (cf. Job 3:1). Our attitude to the situations that happen around us and how we react to events directed at us is indeed very important, our minds should be prepared that as we go through this journey, obstacles are bound to be on the way. However our perception matters, we should see them with eyes of positivity knowing that we have all it takes to overcome them and grow higher in the phases of life.


Life is in phases, starting from the childhood stage, the adolescence stage, the youth stage and finally the adult stage. There is a common Igbo adage which says: ‘ Mgbe onye ji tete ura bu ututu ya.’ When translated to English language it says: ‘whenever one wakes up, that is his morning.’ Your beginning starts whenever you are ready; it is a personal race not a competition.   Life should be cherished and lived to the fullest; in the spirit of love, hope and faith. There are different perspectives to life. It encompasses all   classes of men in life: the poor and the rich, the educated and non-educated, those in trials and tribulations and those having a smooth journey. We look at life in reality and in truth, it hopes to reveal facts; and helps us to appreciate the beauty of life and get along on the right track while travelling through the journey of life. We can ponder on the bitter truths in life and on issues to aid our cognitive abilities to explore these fa...